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The Cash Magnet Racing System Review

The Cash Magnet Racing System is a new horse racing betting system that has been created by John Goldsmith and is currently being marketed by Streetwise Publications.

What does the product offer?

The headlines for The Cash Magnet Racing System are frankly rather staggering with John Goldsmith claiming that his system that wins cash every day. Naturally being a Streetwise Publications product The Cash Magnet Racing System is littered with fantastical sounding claims that are also tempered to make them sound reasonable, for example the sales material talks about how this isn’t a get rich quick system but then talks about increasing a betting bank by 10 times in just 2 months with the clear suggestion being that this could be considered the norm.

So what can we actually tell about The Cash Magnet Racing System? Well, as the name somewhat implies, this is a horse racing betting system that is being presented as “at a glance”. According to John Goldsmith there is no studying of form and winners can be found in just a few minutes by glancing at any daily paper.

From here you simply place your bet and apparently wait for it to come in. Unfortunately, (or perhaps not surprisingly) there aren’t any details on staking plans, strike rates etc. with the main claim being that The Cash Magnet Racing System has enjoyed a 36 bet win streak.

How does the product work?

In terms of details of how The Cash Magnet Racing System actually works there is very little information made available. In his Authors Endorsement, John Goldsmith does say that the system “uses the bookies own strategy of odds and statistics and probability”.

This isn’t something that is ever built upon however which is rather disappointing as it seems somewhat at odds with the claim that a glance at any daily paper is all that is required.

What is the initial investment?

The Cash Magnet Racing System is marketed through Streetwise Publications and so not surprisingly it is pretty far from cheap. In fact, buying the system will set you back an eye watering £247 which is claimed to be a reduction on the actual value of £297.

There is a money back guarantee in place for The Cash Magnet Racing System which says that if you fail to make a profit in the first month then you can claim a money back guarantee. Without any more details on the terms I would be wary about jumping in on the grounds of this money back guarantee personally.

What is the rate of return?

The main selling point for The Cash Magnet Racing System is the claim by John Goldsmith that he was able to turn a £2,000 starting bank into £20,000 in just 8 weeks.


Any investment is really about your risk versus your reward and this is exactly what needs to be weighed up when considering The Cash Magnet Racing System. For £247 I would expect at least some evidence that The Cash Magnet Racing System works as claimed or even that there is a discernible or genuine pattern. Instead we are treated to a list of supposedly winning bets with nothing to back anything up, something that I could genuinely reproduce here and that is concerning.

With all of this in mind, I simply don’t believe that The Cash Magnet Racing System represents a worthwhile purchase, especially when there are so many systems that can prove that they work for less.



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Comments (6)

Your Conclusion is very enlightening because I have just returned The Cash Magnet Racing System before the 30 day period . I could not get to grips with the parameters and some of terminology. I spent quite a lot of time,more than I was lead to believe, trying to prove the system on Paper betting ,without success .Now SS are not willing to refund my payment

MakeMoneyForum Admin

Hello Bryan,

Thank you for your comment.



Hi Bryan,
Could you please expand on little bit about methodology and the parameters you are refering to. If they are saying that they will refund the money if you do not make profit in the first month – do they require you to place bets on daily basis or could you choose which days to put bets on. What reasons have you been given for not refunding?

I’ve seen this before from Streetwise News where they ask you to provide proof of your non-profit activity. The guarantee they provide says nothing about you having to do this and just says if you fail to make a profit to return for a refund. Threaten to take your claim through the County Court and they should refund you. If not, then start the claim so they get issued with the claim from the courts and that should be enough to jolt them. They have given you the basic guarantee with no conditions attached so they don’t have a leg to stand on from the court’s view. And if you have to go through the process, then I would. I did threaten to start the process once and they folded immediately and refunded me. Here’s some information from CAB about how to go about it. Good luck.

i have delt with this unscrupuless swine before
gave him £1000 to put bets on for me and we wiuld
go 50/50 he was doing realy well somtimes 5 winners in one day
then suddenly corrasponding stoped so i waited weeks
emailed him but nothing so avoided john goldsmith PLEASE

Thank you folks for saving me from a big mistake

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