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Timer Magic Review

Timer Magic is a product created by Shawn Casey that allows users to integrate “timers” into their website in order to create a deadline for customers.

What does the product offer?

Timer Magic provides users with a way to harness the power of timers. Something that creator Shawn Casey says that many businesses use to create a sense of urgency and thereby massively increase not just traffic (if used for email campaigns) but also conversion. As a piece of software, Timer Magic allows you to put timers in various places on your website from a banner at the foot of your web page to a timer inserted directly into the main layout. Timer Magic comes with  number of templates as well as fully customisable timers with various different configurations depending on what you are counting down to/for. As well as being used on a website, Shawn Casey also says that you can use Timer Magic to insert a timer into email correspondence too.

How does the product work?

The core idea behind any timer based sales tactic is that you are creating a sense of urgency  and encouraging people to buy who may otherwise sit on the fence. As Shawn Casey points out, this isn’t anything particularly new as a method of selling products. In terms of actually using the timers that Timer Magic produces, this is a simple enough process that any marketer should be able to use without a problem.

What is the initial investment?

At the time of writing Shawn Casey is charging a one time cost of $9.97 which provides lifetime access and unlimited use of Timer Magic. He does however state that at an unspecified time the costs will go up to $19.97 per month. Timer Magic comes with a 30 day money back guarantee however as this product is sold via JVZoo you will have to deal with the vendor directly.

What is the rate of return?

The claimed increases in sales are actually staggering. By the end of a 5 day campaign of which Timer Magic was used for 3 of those, Shawn Casey says that conversion for traffic in the last few hours was over 1000% compared to running the same campaign without timers.


There isn’t a whole lot to say about Timer Magic as a product. There are plenty of examples out there that all provide a similar service at much less than the $200 per month that Shawn Casey cites. The fact is that timers do work and for the right kind of marketing they can certainly make a marked difference to your sales figures (although once again, I do believe that Timer Magic exaggerates the impact that this can have). At the current price of less than $10, Timer Magic is worth a look however it is worth keeping in mind that if you have a WordPress based website there are plenty of plugins that offer this service for free.



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From: Simon Roberts