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Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike Review Forex

Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike is a new service from the eponymous Tom Tragett and marketed via Agora Lifestyles that he claims provides users trading recommendations that can make huge profits through Forex trading.

What does the product offer?

Tom Tragett refers to Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike as being his own personal trading strategy and that in sharing it with you, he is opening the door for some very substantial profits. When you sign up for Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike what you are actually signing up for are recommendations from Tom Tragget. These trades are a combination of short and mid length trades and all are based around currency pairs.

Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike will issue them on each Friday. As well as the recommendations that are on offer, Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike also comes with a handbook which Tom Tragett says will show you everything that you need to know to become a better trader.

For example, this aspect of Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike looks at how the Triple Strike system works, how to trade according to the principles and techniques to manage your finances so that you can maximise profits and minimise lists. Furthermore, Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike is claimed to be easy to use with anybody allegedly being able to

How does the product work?

Ever since Agora Lifestyles partnered with Jim Rickards they have been pushing a large number of trading products which are based on a so called economic apocalypse that is lining up to happen at some point in the future.

Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike builds on this by saying that the whole thing is based around economies trying to weaken their currencies for various reasons. Tom Tragget claims that there are very easy to follow patterns to this and that Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike will not just advise you on trades based on these, but how to spot them for yourself as well.

What is the initial investment?

At the time of writing this, Agora Lifestyles are yet to set a price for Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike with the email that brought the service to my attention seemingly being pre launch. As it is a Forex product through Agora however, I would expect a fair amount to pay.

What is the rate of return?

The income potential for Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike is something that is reported on with some disparity. The fact is that there are only three sets of results that Tom Tragget really talks about which claim profits of 527 pips, 725 pips and a whopping 5,151 pips. Here aren’t really any other figures quoted extensively.


As far as Forex products go, Tom Tragget seems to genuinely know his stuff which is part of why I find it odd that he is touting the same kind of rhetoric as Jim Rickard about the economic end of the world (which Agora are still putting forward as a viable theory for the future).

This is a possibility and if it happens then Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike may hold some water but as it is, there simply isn’t enough tangible evidence that Tom Tragett’s Triple Strike does what it claims to do.



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From: Simon Roberts