Value 4 Money Racing is a relatively long standing horse racing tipster service that is offered through BetInfo 24. The results appear to have been remarkably consistent over the last year or so, despite substantial bank growth.
Introduction to Value 4 Money Racing
Not everything is always quite as it seems. Something that I think on some level, we’re all aware of in the world. And if you dip your toe into the world of the wider betting industry, including tipster services, that notion becomes very apparent very quickly. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I feel like there are often two core ideas that can be explored and leant on. Firstly, somebody is trying to sell a product. Of course they want to cast it in the best possible light. Secondly, it can be very easy to make things look a certain way.
That is an idea that I want you to keep in mind when looking at Value 4 Money Racing. This is a service that undeniably has performed very strongly. BetInfo 24 show month on month of an increasing bank balance. Importantly, there are some bloody big jumps. This suggests that profit isn’t just consistent, but at a very high level. And if you have a service that is delivering on all of this, well, there isn’t necessarily much more you can say. After all, that would be living the dream.
Here’s the thing though. Delivering on those big claims can be a difficult thing. In fact, in my experience, very few tipsters are actually able to deliver on the promise that they initially show. I’m not just talking about the general ups and downs that come with… well, any betting system. But huge sweeping changes in direction. Things that can make or break a service. Unfortunately, Value 4 Money Racing is a strong example of this. And frankly, it is slightly concerning that BetInfo 24 don’t address it. So, let’s explore what exactly is going on here.
What Does Value 4 Money Racing Offer?
I’ll be quite honest with you here. I rather like a simple tipster service. I know that it isn’t for everybody mind. Some people simply prefer something a little more considered and convoluted. Which is fair enough. That approach can oftentimes work better. But more steps means more work, more complications. And that can be alienating. Value 4 Money Racing definitely isn’t that.
I often talk about how I am used to basic tipster services, but it’s been a while since I’ve looked at a horse racing service that is as simple as this. Something in theory, isn’t a criticism. I welcome any tipster service in which you can quickly and easily grasp what you need to do to get bets on. Something BetInfo 24 achieve here with Value 4 Money Racing.
But of course, I’m mostly just waxing lyrical at this point. What exactly does all of that mean for you? First things first, let’s explore how BetInfo 24 manage the service. As you might expect from any modern tipster service, Value 4 Money Racing is predominantly email based. There is however an option to log into a member’s area and view the tips there.
Selections are predominantly only issued Monday through Saturday, however, in the even that there are big meetings on a Sunday, BetInfo 24 do say that you will receive tips then. Something that I am a bit on the fence about is that whilst selections for Value 4 Money Racing are issued before noon, the timing can occasionally be a bit tight.
Really, that can be something of a problem if you’re working a 9-5 and aren’t able to act on advice immediately. It also has an impact on the kinds of odds you can expect to see from Value 4 Money Racing. This is slightly more important in my mind. Because whilst BetInfo 24 say that odds are typically between 2/1 and 8/1 (relatively long odds in and of themselves), proofing shows that the lower end of this isn’t something that you see very often.
This means that if you want to get the most out of Value 4 Money Racing and maximise the odds when a bet wins (which you will definitely want to do because you won’t be wining often), an odds comparison site is definitely a recommendation. Without this, I don’t really see a feasible way in which you may overcome the drawdown here.
Whilst we’re on the subject of bets, let’s talk a bit about them. Value 4 Money Racing is a service that is based exclusively around win bets. Something that definitely adds to that appeal of simplicity that I mentioned earlier. And while I don’t explicitly think of it as being part of the “simplicity”, it is also noteworthy that this is a relatively low volume service.
Specifically, BetInfo 24 say that there are typically around 3 bets per day, although the range can be anywhere from a single selection all the way up to 5. The thing is, this can add up when Value 4 Money Racing isn’t winning. Something that, if I’m really realistic, is quite the possibility. According to the proofing, there have been some 3,368 bets placed. Of those, some 2,767 have lost. This means a long term strike rate of about 18%.
The real consideration though is the drawdown potential that you face. Long losing streaks aren’t uncommon at all with Value 4 Money Racing. Without looking too hard, I have found 23 consecutive losing streaks. Zoom out a bit on that and losses of almost 40 points at a time aren’t inconceivable. That is quite the ask.
Adding to all of this concern for me is the fact that a betting bank of just 100 points is recommended. Under most circumstances, that would be plenty for a tipster service. But in the case of Value 4 Money Racing, I really don’t see how it can be. Not when you’re not winning often enough to offset those considerable dents in your bank.
How Does Value 4 Money Racing Work
One of the more frustrating elements of Value 4 Money Racing is that there isn’t really a whole lot of information on how the service works. In fact, I would personally say that there isn’t any. BetInfo 24 don’t say anything on this matter, and there isn’t any real insight provided into why you’d want to consider this outside of a vague repetition of consistency of results. A point that I take great exception to given the big picture here.
With that said, there are some things that one can take an educated stab in the dark about. It is quite likely to me, from looking at the odds involved and the relatively low volume of bets, that the tipster behind Value 4 Money Racing is trying to find value. One certainly wouldn’t hope that they’re backing longer shots simply for the sake of it. But the fact is that BetInfo 24 should be providing this kind of information.
As I always point out with this sort of things, I’m not looking for a detailed breakdown of what’s going on. But it would be nice to know how a tipster is identifying value. Especially when their service is making a very frustrating run against play and is losing money. If there is a strategy that you’re informed about when following Value 4 Money Racing, you might see merit in sticking it out. But doing so blindly simply isn’t a prudent move in my opinion.
In theory, one should be able to point at BetInfo 24’s proofing as something. After all, it shows the ebb and flow of Value 4 Money Racing quite nicely, right? Well… yes, it does. But the problem is that whilst the actual detailed proofing is up to date, the main sales page takes the option of stopping the results and numbers at a much earlier date. As such, the data displayed is very out of date and not at all representative of what you can expect.
What is the Initial Investment?
There are two options available if you want to subscribe to Value 4 Money Racing. Firstly, you can sign up on a monthly subscription. This is priced at £27.99 per month (plus VAT). Alternatively, and offering substantially better value, BetInfo 24 offer a quarterly subscription. This is priced at just £64.99 (again, plus VAT) for the quarter.
In terms of money back guarantees, refunds, etc. there are two offerings. Firstly, because Value 4 Money Racing is sold through Clickbank, their usual 30 day money back guarantee is in place. Something that you shouldn’t have too many problems claiming if you need this. The second option is BetInfo 24 saying that if you take the quarterly option and are not in profit after 3 months, you get the next 3 months free.
What is the Rate of Return?
BetInfo 24 make several claims about how Value 4 Money Racing has performed. This includes that over 90 days, £1,520 profit was made. That over £4,000 profit has been made to date. And that specifically, the profits stand at £4,520 to £20 stakes. Of course, all of that looks amazing. Unfortunately, it is all also incredibly wrong.
Whilst Value 4 Money Racing might have held these results at one point, the current results are a far cry from this. Value 4 Money Racing is sitting at just shy of 90 points. That is more than half of what it once was. It also means that there has been a decline in profit since high points in excess of 240 points. As such, whilst BetInfo 24 have a tipster here that is technically still in profit, these results are trends that are hugely concerning.
Conclusion for Value 4 Money Racing
Some people I know think that I can be a bit overzealous when exercising caution with tipster services. But it is always for good reason, and I think that Value 4 Money Racing is a perfect example of this. What we have here is a tipster service that at some point, was performing very admirably. In fact, the first thing that I saw on BetInfo 24’s sales page was their chart of profit performance. It looks bloody good.
When you start to scratch the surface though, the truth emerges. And the truth here is that you’re dealing with a tipster service that, if I’m really honest, simply isn’t doing what it should be. In November 2021, Value 4 Money Racing was at a “60 point profit”. Which coming from 230 points is simply unacceptable. And whilst you may try to make the argument that there has surely been a profit since then, you’d be ignoring the bigger picture.
The fact is that over the last 18 months or so, BetInfo 24’s own proofing shows one of two things happening. Value 4 Money Racing either loses money, or it stagnates with no real growth or loss to your bank. And over time that has eroded the betting bank at least once. If you’d hypothetically started following this at its peak, there would have been times where you’d have lost your betting bank almost twice.
There is no way that I can recommend a service that puts punters in that position. That is the long and short of this conclusion. But it also highlights the importance of information that is missing in my opinion. Whilst the extremes of the results mean that I don’t think I would ever look to recommend Value 4 Money Racing (and especially because it has happened for so long and so consistently), there could have been mitigation of sorts.
An explanation helps you to better understand why the results are the way that they are. A tipster who was perhaps more interested in being flexible in their betting approach might have found a way to turn things around. But the unfortunate truth is that Value 4 Money Racing is ultimately a service that falls down because of its simplicity. Something I admit to finding fundamentally appealing.
Simple when it is used correctly can be a wonderful thing. But the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. There is a clear pattern to Value 4 Money Racing of the same thing happening over and over. And for well over a year there hasn’t been a different result. And there is no reason to think this will change.