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Video Jeet 2 Review

Video Jeet 2 is a new product from Cyril Jeet that the creator claims is able to generate substantial amounts of high quality and organic traffic through video marketing.

What does the product offer?

Video Jeet 2 is a piece of software that according to Cyril Jeet will allow users to instantly generate traffic, all for free, and with no real input required. These are certainly some eye grabbing headlines, especially when you look at specific claims such as the one that Video Jeet 2 can “generate unlimited traffic in any niche”. One of the other seemingly appealing aspects of Video Jeet 2 is that you don’t need to carry out keyword research etc. Cyril Jeet says that because the software takes its content directly from YouTube, Video Jeet 2 can also pick up on related keywords that content producers have utilised for their videos.

The software is sold as being fully customisable and able to take advantage of any theme or design for the chosen blogging platforms that Video Jeet 2 is compatible with (WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr and LiveJournal). Not surprisingly, Cyril Jeet has included a number of bonuses with Video Jeet 2, most of which unfortunately don’t really tie into the core product.

How does the product work?

The core premise behind Video Jeet 2 is a very simple one. Essentially, as video begins to play a bigger part in Google’s rankings, your new video based blog will be ranked higher than if you were to try and create a more traditional blog. From here, Cyril Jeet says that you simply have to get your blog up and running with your chosen keywords. It is then simply a case of inserting a revenue stream and you are away. The suggestions for monetising your blog is mostly based around using affiliate marketing.

What is the initial investment?

At the time of writing, Video Jeet 2 is being sold for a one time cost of $27.35 (however Cyril Jeet is also offering an additional $2 discount code). Video Jeet 2 does come with a full 30 day money back guarantee however as it is sold through JVZoo, you will ultimately have to claim this from the vendor.

What is the rate of return?

The focus in terms of results with Video Jeet 2 isn’t on the monetary side of things which makes sense to a degree. The fact is that it is not a direct money making product. In terms of the traffic that it generates, Video Jeet 2 boasts of getting one website up to 50 views per day ad another to almost 100.


Video Jeet 2 is one of those products that does what it says on the tin and in many respects, this should be the end of it. It does make sourcing video content a lot easier and whilst you can pretty much “set and forget”, the overall quality is lacking, especially as you don’t really control what is posted. Personally, I also don’t see people using this kind of blog as a platform for making purchases. With all of that in mind, I simply don’t see Video Jeet 2 as really making money for users.



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