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Virtual Sports Profits Review

Virtual Sports Profits is a new product from Stephen Courtney in which the author looks at a method that he says will allow you to make a decent income from betting on virtual sports. Stephen also sent us in a copy of the system to look at.

What does the product offer?

The sales material for Virtual Sports Profits presents the product of a sure fire way of making money through betting, furthermore, it can be done all day every day because of the nature of the method involved. Virtual Sports Profits is claimed to be easy to use and that you can be up and running in just 30 minutes.

In terms of the subjects that Stephen Courtney covers in Virtual Sports Profits, he looks at a variety of things such as how to spot the best opportunities (allegedly there are between 4 and 8 of these every hour) as well as how to identify patterns that will allow you to increase stakes at the most profitable times.

Everything comes as a downloadable ebook that is concise and to the point.

As well as the guide itself, Virtual Sports Profits also comes with a spreadsheet designed by Stephen Courtney to allow you to calculate how much you should be betting and when.

How does the product work?

For those who aren’t aware with what virtual betting is, it is a type of betting game that most online bookmakers have which allows you to bet on virtual sports (Virtual Sports Profits is based on football).

These are often a short video based clip which show key plays of a “game” playing out. Users can choose from a number of bets that are in turn based on real bets like team to win, goals etc.

Virtual Sports Profits is based around certain patterns that Stephen Courtney says are apparent when you look closely that allow you to

What is the initial investment?

Virtual Sports Profits is currently being sold for £29.97 however this is something of a limited time offer however this does count for the next 81 purchasers.

Once this has elapsed, the cost will go up to £49.97. There is a 60 day money back guarantee in place however this is only vendor backed as Virtual Sports Profits is sold through JVZoo.

What is the rate of return?

The headline for Virtual Sports Profits is pretty clear about how much you can expect to make which is an extra £1,500 per month. There is also another claim that says that you can grow your bank by at least 1% to 10% every day.


I haven’t seen anything like Virtual Sports Profits before now and it is certainly an interesting premise, however there are a couple of things that I happen to find somewhat off putting.

Stephen did send us an evaluation copy of the product to look at, which we did quickly, and it does seem very random, which is not to say it will not work, but as the selections are made by a computer, there is no real way of knowing, and judging any true success.

One of these is that key to Virtual Sports Profits is a staking plan that does involve some recovery.

This is always a danger as the stakes can quickly build up and whilst Virtual Sports Profits isn’t as bad as some, it remains a risk.

One of my other issues with Virtual Sports Profits is that whilst Stephen Courtney feels that there might be some patterns in place, there is a lot of evidence to suggest that there is a large degree of randomness to these including experience of both myself, and others with virtual sports.

What is confirmed by one of the larger producers of virtual sports is that bookmakers get to set their margins.

Personally, I think that Virtual Sports Profits asks you to place rather a lot of faith (and money) in something that isn’t empirically proven, and this just isn’t enough for my liking.

It is a fairly low price though, and does come with a money back guarantee if you are interested in looking further. Stephen also seems pleasant to deal with.



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