X Factor Staking is a betting system of sorts that is being offered by Steve Davidson of Winningmore. He claims that his system allows you to minimise your losses whilst maximising your profits.
Introduction to X Factor Staking
Things that are unique in this line of work are, I must concede, a bit in the minority. Personally, I have a feeling that this is mostly down to the fact that most services that are offered these days when it comes to the wider betting industry are just… well, they’re just a bit garbage. There are so many marketers out there trying to leverage interest in betting as a second income through exploitative products. And not surprisingly (since most of them know nothing about betting), these products all end up being the exact same things.
Now, if there is one person in the betting industry that I have a somewhat begrudging respect for it is Steve Davidson. He has put out loads of products. Some of them I have really not been keen on. Others have been really interesting and potentially, quite good. But there is one thing that you can generally say, and that is that the guy is bloody genuine. This is all quite important to keep in mind, because there aren’t many other people that I would pay attention to if they launched a product like X Factor Staking.
You see, there are statements and sentiments in this line of work that, for better or for worse, I like to lean into. One of them is the notion that a staking plan does not make for a betting system. And as you might have guessed from the name of X Factor Staking… well, Steve Davidson has put out a betting system that is effectively a staking plan. Here’s the thing though, I’m normally dealing with some garbage that uses a crude approach that isn’t really anything. And what is being done here is really quite sophisticated. Is it good enough to warrant a purchase though?
What Does X Factor Staking Offer?
As is often the case with products from Steve Davidson and Winningmore, when you strip it all back X Factor Staking is a piece of software. Specifically, it is a piece of software that aims to show you how to take advantage of staking plans in order to minimise your losses and maximise your profits. It doesn’t really sound like a lot.
The fact of the matter is though that this is a massively impressive piece of kit. And I don’t really tend to say things like that all that often. Now, I do want to preface all of this review by highlighting a simple fact. Whilst X Factor Staking is impressive, that doesn’t mean that it just gets a pass. I can fully appreciate what something is doing whilst acknowledging that it has weaknesses. Something that you will see over the course of this.
So, let’s start by talking about what the actual offering for X Factor Staking is. There are two components to the product. Firstly, there is a piece of downloadable software (you should note that this is Windows only). This is the meat of the product. However, the other aspect of the package is equally important, and that is the manual for the software. Because this isn’t for the faint of heart.
I’m going to start by diving into the software. Ultimately, I feel like this is what people will be buying into X Factor Staking for. It is also really quite necessary. Whilst I suppose in theory you could do all of this manually, the approach taken has a lot of moving parts and I definitely wouldn’t want to try and do this.
For what it’s worth, whilst X Factor Staking is ultimately quite a complex beast, Steve Davidson and Winningmore have done a good job of making the software quite accessible. It looks a lot like Microsoft Excel, which I think adds a lot of familiarity to most PC users. The main difference lies in all of the different parameters that you can adjust at the bottom of your screen.
This includes a host of options such as odds, various signals, even taking commission into account. Something that I like is that X Factor Staking actually has 10 different sheets here so you can be utilising different strategies at once, but still keep everything in on place. It’s neat, it’s tidy, and it means that whilst you can do a lot, it isn’t ever overwhelming.
One of the examples that Steve Davidson gives of this for a use case is covering different sports, leagues, betting markets, etc. All of which provide you with the option to use X Factor Staking to gain an immediate overview of how that aspect of your betting is performing. Something that serious bettors will probably relish.
Another welcome feature is that whilst X Factor Staking can obviously be used with your real life betting, you can also simulate series of results. This means that if you have a system, and you know what sort of averages it is producing, you can easily test whether the staking plan will work for you. Steve Davidson pushes this a lot and rightly so. It is a fantastic tool to be used and is also massively helpful in terms of getting to grips with the software.
This brings me to the second part of X Factor Staking. This is a manual that explains, in detail, what the software does, how it applies things, and how best to use it. It is an invaluable tool. As always when it comes to products from Winningmore, the quality of content is more than acceptable. Steve Davidson covers everything that I think you would need to know in a concise fashion.
Furthermore, the structure of everything is such that you can read it through and actually have a reasonable idea of what you’re doing with the software element of X Factor Staking. If you struggle, it’s pretty easy to get to where you need to be. These might sound like obvious things for a training manual. But having looked at a lot in my time I can tell you now that Steve Davidson should be praised for this level of accessibility.
How Does X Factor Staking Work?
I won’t beat around the bush. X Factor Staking isn’t an easy thing to explain. What Steve Davidson is doing here is something that isn’t quite like anything that I’ve ever seen before. And I will also say that it requires a lot work (in theory, that is where the software element comes in). What I am rather at a loss to do here however is talk too much about how the system works. Not least of which is because Winningmore and Johnny (the creator of the plan) want to keep it behind a paywall.
That doesn’t mean that there is nothing to be said either. There is a fair amount of insight I think I can offer into how X Factor Staking operates without giving away the game too much. And in order to understand all that, you simply have to look at the sales material. You see, we are told a lot about “The Ant Philosophy”. This reads “In Winter Think Summer, In Summer Think Winter”.
In other words, what this means is that when you are doing well, you should be banking some of your bank away to help support your bank when you aren’t doing well. If that sounds either incredibly obvious or makes no sense, it is because I’ve missed the key element of how X Factor Staking works. Effectively, the service is based around having multiple betting banks. There is your basic bank and then a reserve bank as well.
Very crudely, you increase your targeted returns so you’re making more per bet. This is split between your actual betting bank and the reserve bank. If you start to hit massive losing streaks, the income in your reserve bank helps you to ease the impact on your actual betting bank. Of course, X Factor Staking is way more complex than this. I am grossly over simplifying things, but I don’t think Steve Davidson would be happy about me publishing everything here.
What is the Initial Investment?
If you want to sign up to X Factor Staking, there is only really one option available. This is a one time payment of £44.97 (a slight reduction on the actual value of £49.97). For this, Steve Davidson provides a two year license for the software. Something that is advertised as a limited time offer as you are actually getting a year free. As an aside, if you are looking in Aussie Dollars, the costs are $89.97 at the time of writing.
As is the case with all products that are sold through Winningmore, Steve Davidson doesn’t offer any sort of money back guarantee or refund policy on X Factor Staking. The argument remains that you are purchasing a digital product that has no tangible physical form. As such, there is nothing to return. This means that if you are considering this, you should be prepared for that.
What is the Rate of Return?
Talking about the rate of return for X Factor Staking just feels a bit wrong. There aren’t any clear answers here. Steve Davidson talks about the fact that you can expect to see more profit using the strategy, and I can see how in theory, that would be the case. Truth be told though, I’m not exactly sold on this.
The fact of the matter is that X Factor Staking isn’t a direct money making product. As such, it seems quite unreasonable to hold it to account in this way. What I think I can say, is that you are potentially less likely to see losses incurred, and ultimately, that will lead to a healthier betting bank.
Conclusion for X Factor Staking
Look, I won’t mince my words here. X Factor Staking is more than a little convoluted. Whilst I can see how it works, and I believe that it can work, it isn’t necessarily quite as straight forward as the sales material implies. In actual fact, I would say that it is pretty bloody far from it. Which means that there is a lot to consider here.
First things first, I think it’s quite important to establish that X Factor Staking doesn’t involve you putting aside more of a betting bank than you would anyway. So, in that respect, there is no additional cost to you as a punter. Which is of course exactly what you want to hear. But let’s dive just a little bit deeper into all of this.
Really, you’re moving your betting bank around. And just like with real money, putting it in the right account can make it work harder for you. But it also adds extra steps. Steps that, despite the software, are still quite time consuming. This isn’t necessarily a problem if you take your betting very seriously, and there are options to use a bot to help automate this. But there is no denying that X Factor Staking still requires that extra work.
And that begs the question of whether or not it is worth it. Make no mistake, this can work. The approach that Steve Davidson talks about makes sense. But it isn’t something that is necessarily going to be of benefit to most people. In fact, I think that X Factor Staking will ultimately only work for a minority. A minority that happen to have very big betting banks already.
Which I think is really quite telling about who the target audience for this is. X Factor Staking isn’t aimed at your average bettor. Definitely not the kind of people I tend to tailor my reviews for. Sure, you would arguably get some benefit from it, I’m not certain it would be enough to warrant the cost of the software plus the different it would make to a smaller betting bank.
If on the other hand you are already taking your betting very seriously, this might be of merit. At the start of this, I talked about the fact that I don’t believe that a staking plan makes a betting system. X Factor Staking hasn’t changed my mind on this. However, what I do think it does is provide a way of making your money go further. And if you’re betting very big, that is something that you will probably always want.
So, would I recommend X Factor Staking? The short answer is that I wouldn’t. But that is in no small part down to the fact that I don’t believe that the people I review for are the target audience. There are some people who will get a lot out of this. If you are one of those people, £50 isn’t a lot to spend. That is definitely a minority in my opinion though.