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Bundesliga Bets Review

Bundesliga Bets is a tipster service from Dolf Krause and Circle Media that provides users with weekly selections for German Football.

What does the product offer?

Bundesliga Bets offers subscribers weekly tips directly to subscribers via email for the premier German League (usually sent out around 9am). Dolf Krause will provide around 4-5 selections for win or draw bets. By putting the focus on German football Dolf Krause says that Bundesliga Bets is better positioned to offer better odds to subscribers. Bets can be placed anywhere although the proofing for Bundesliga Bets shows Betfair start prices. So far for 2014 Bundesliga Bets has achieved a strike rate of 80%.

How does the product work?

If you believe the marketing material, Bundesliga Bets makes selections based off a method shown to Dolf Krause by his Uncle along with the cryptic statement that if he follows it, he would never have to worry about losing. Quite what this system entails is never discussed which rather frankly doesn’t surprise me.

What is the initial investment?

Bundesliga Bets sells for a seemingly one time cost of £50. I say seemingly because this price is advertised as a mid season low price. Because Dolf Krause sells Bundesliga Bets through Clickbank, there is also a 60 day money back guarantee in place.

What is the rate of return?

According to the marketing material subscribers to Bundesliga Bets can expect to make an average profit of £1385.58 using £10 stakes.


Something about Bundesliga Bets just doesn’t sit right for me. Frankly the results that are claimed seem far too good to be true and if a service were consistently making 138 points per month, I don’t see why it would sell at a one off cost that would be far more appropriate as a monthly fee. The fact that Circle Media are attached to Bundesliga Bets is another point for concern as my experiences with their products are hit and miss to say the least. Personally I would give Bundesliga Bets a miss however if you are adamant on trying to find a cheap football service, if Bundesliga Bets can deliver half of what is claimed then this could be a good option.



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