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Crazy PLR Review

Crazy PLR is an opportunity presented by Aaron Danker to purchase the resell rights to one of his products and start selling it as your own.

What does the product offer?

Crazy PLR offers users the opportunity to purchase a product (in this case The Resell Rights Warrior) as well as a host of related items. Aaron Danker presents Crazy PLR as a business opportunity in its own rights and this is technically viable as there are a host of different tools that come with Crazy PLR. These include things like a full training video and PDF, squeeze pages and a number of different marketing materials.

How does the product work?

At the heart of Crazy PLR is the notion that you can take somebody else’s product, slap your branding on it and go into business. This is right on paper but the reality is very different. For example, no matter how much Aaron Danker’s sales material differes to his peers, you will still be trying to bring in customers from other rivals that are using essentially the same thing and this is where my biggest issue with Crazy PLR comes in.

What is the initial investment?

This is arguably the strongest point of Crazy PLR as the whole system can be purchased for just $9.95. There is also a 60 day money back guarantee that is provided by Aaron Danker.

What is the rate of return?

This isn’t something that is really advertised and in fact, Aaron Danker appears to advocate using The Resell Rights Warrior as a lead into bigger products.


To clear something up, The Resell Rights Warrior doesn’t really seem to be a great product in its own rights, and this becomes the problem with Crazy PLR. The Resell Rights Warrior system seems to have one purpose, convincing people that resell rights products are a viable money making idea, something that I personally contend rather strongly. What this leaves users with is a product that they are recommended to give away for free, bit by bit, for $10.

This really is the key though, free products are what really draw people in and for list building purposes alone Crazy PLR may well prove worthwhile if reselling is applicable to your niche.



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Comments (1)

Pfft! Aaron.. Aaron..
“ is for sale”

Shitty products = No customer

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