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Profit With Cam Review

Profit With Cam is a new to market horse racing tipster service that is operated by the eponymous Cameron. On the surface of things, it looks like a solid option with a knowledgeable tipster behind it.  

Introduction to Profit With Cam

One of the single most important things that I tend to consider when I’m looking at a tipster service is whether or not it is genuine. This seems like such an obvious thing, but for me, it is the single most important factor. Because the truth of the matter is that when it comes to tipster services, anybody can claim pretty much anything. It isn’t something that is often talked about, but it is a very real aspect of the industry. As such, if a tipster is at least genuine, you can have some faith in the claims that they make.

Now, you may be asking, what does all of that have to do with Profit With Cam specifically? Well, this is a very interesting and internally polarising tipster services that I’ve looked at for a while. You see, in some respects, Cameron talks a very good game. If you look through the sales material, this is a tipster who makes a lot of the right noises. The way that he presents his approach to betting is all exactly what I’d want to see from a tipster. But that only counts if the service is actually backed up by actions and evidence.

This is an area where Profit With Cam is perhaps lacking a little. Which is exactly what makes this so interesting to look at. On the one hand, Cameron seems to know what he’s talking about, the profits look really good, and there is seemingly a lot to like. It would be easy to look at this and get caught up in those positives. But when you start to really look at things… well, I’m a little bit sceptical. As you might expect then, there is quite a lot of ground to cover here, so let’s get into it.  

What Does Profit With Cam Offer?

To be very upfront about everything in this review, a lot of the initial appeal surrounding Profit With Cam seems to come from the fact that Cameron appears to know what he’s talking about. There is a lot to be said for the philosophy of betting and taking the right approach, and there is a lot here that seems to be right. But it does also lead to a lot of variables in the service.

Nowhere is this more apparent than in how Cameron manages his service. Typically, when you’re dealing with a tipster, you can expect to see selections around a similar time. This might be the evening before a race, early in the morning, sometimes really not long before the off. But you have an idea when to look. That isn’t the case with Profit With Cam.

Something that I don’t typically tend to do is quote extensively from the sales material, but Cameron says it best about Profit With Cam:

This isn’t your usual service…

I don’t bet every day – I need to have time to research the races.
I don’t have a set number of bets or bet type that I solely use – That’s a rookie mistake.
I only bet on the exchange – I’ve been restricted/limited by most bookies.

In theory, these are all positive things to see.  There is no denying that it can be frustrating when you see tipsters who are somehow picking out multiple horses that they supposedly think have a chance of winning, day in and day out. That doesn’t happen with Profit With Cam.

Instead, selections are actually somewhat sporadic. Cameron tips just a small handful of days per week. If this is for the right reasons, it is a positive. But it also has a knock on effect for you as a punter. Especially because Profit With Cam doesn’t just vary in the days that tips are sent out, but when they are sent out.

Typically it will be the day of racing, but that can be anything from early morning all the way up to the afternoon. The key takeaway though is that they are sent through the day. As such, you really have to be on the ball if you’re following Profit With Cam. There isn’t always a significant window to get bets on, and there is often an even shorter window of time to explore odds and options for betting.

In theory, this is helped by the fact that all of Cameron’s tips are designed to be placed on an exchange. Something that is ultimately down to his claim that his accounts with bookies have been banned. You can place bets on an exchange whenever, but odds advice is a little bit lacking with Profit With Cam. And because prices can move quickly, you can be left with undue risk compared to the potential rewards. Of course, this isn’t addressed.

The reason I said that betting on exchanges is helpful in theory, is the fact that Profit With Cam also takes advantage of a variety of different bets. You can expect to see win bets, place bets, and even lay bets. Sometimes on the same race. Some of these require a betting exchange and doing everything in one place seems like a smart choice. But again, you’re stuck having to respond very quickly and somewhat blindly.

Adding to all of these variables is the fact that Cameron advises of varying stakes when he sends out selections. These aren’t necessarily prohibitive, but they can still add up. Just because Profit With Cam doesn’t involve betting every day, it doesn’t mean that it is necessarily a low volume service.

Unfortunately, quite how much you will need in a betting bank to cover these bets isn’t something that you get a lot of advice on. This is something that you see quite a lot with Profit With Cam. There is plenty of information provided on some elements of following the service, followed by a somewhat disconcerting lack of others.  

As a final point that I think is worth keeping in mind, there is also little ability to manage your expectations in this regard. As well as not providing information on the financial elements, you aren’t given things like a strike rate for Profit With Cam either. This makes it really quite difficult to get an idea of what sort of drawdown potential you may face.

How Does Profit With Cam Work?

Cameron says that he researchers horses. Quite a lot actually. And it is also about the only real insight that we get into how Profit With Cam works. What research exactly? Well, this isn’t something that is really explored. Just that there is simply “research”. That to me is a little bit of a concern, but seemingly in an effort to establish some sort of credentials, the focus of the sales material is mostly on the idea that you won’t be betting on bets that aren’t researched (I’m tired of that word already…).

That is quite important to establish as it is a huge part of the cut and the thrust of the sales material. Profit With Cam is superior to other services because the bets are “researched”. Other tipster services that are putting out selections using a particularly structured approach to betting “must be “like” robots” Cameron says (complete with a really subtle winking face emoticon). And the sales material goes on and in this form.

Ultimately, Cameron doesn’t actually tell you much of what his approach to betting is. Nor does he do much of anything to demonstrate this either. There is a very distinct lack of evidence or… well, anything. We are given a screenshot of a Sky Bet email (without anything identifying that it was sent to Cameron I should add) and a claim that there have been more sent from other bookies. It is all designed to make Profit With Cam look and sound impressive.

The problem with all of this is that there isn’t anything concrete backing anything up. As “proofing” we are given very questionable screengrabs of a small part of a Betfair account, supposedly showing profit and loss for individual days. This is far from comprehensive and even if you took them as gospel for Profit With Cam, there is a lot of context lacking. It is simply showing that an amount has been earned with no indication of how.

What is the Initial Investment?

Cameron has two options available if you want to sign up to Profit With Cam. The first of these provides you with access to tips for 30 bet days. This doesn’t count no bet days, so theoretically could last you some time. Especially since this is a seemingly quite selective service. The cost for this is £45 plus VAT.

Alternatively, you can choose to sign up to Profit With Cam for a 90 day offering. As with the 30 day package, this means 90 bet days.  It is priced at £99 plus VAT meaning that there is somewhat better value to be had, however, it is quite an increase in terms of the outlay.

Something that really stands out to me about all of this is that Cameron fails to mention that there is actually a full 30 day money back guarantee in place for Profit With Cam. This is backed up by the fact that the service is being sold through Clickbank. As such, you shouldn’t have too much problem claiming this if you had to.

What is the Rate of Return?

The main reason that I think any of us get into betting is to make money, and rather surprisingly, the claims that Cameron makes for Profit With Cam are somewhat modest. He says that over 4 days last week he made £397.77 profit. Of course, that doesn’t sound modest, but I think it is pertinent that there isn’t actually any insight into staking on this.

This means that in theory, this could be anywhere from a shade under 3 points to £100 stakes or 39 points to £10 stakes. Given that Cameron mentions that Profit With Cam had a £20 loss on one of the days, and his approach to betting, I’d be more inclined to anticipate the former than the latter.

Conclusion for Profit With Cam

I said it in the introduction, and I will say it again. Cameron makes all of the right noises. Unfortunately, none of it really stands up to any sort of scrutiny and in my eyes is nothing more than surface level. And when you really start to look at the claims that are made for Profit With Cam, all of this becomes very clear.

In the sales material for Profit With Cam, Cameron uses the word “research” 9 times in a very short space of time. What he doesn’t do however is at any point discuss what this research is. But I’ll tell you what, it does sort of work. When I first looked at this, what stood out to me is that this is seemingly a well researched service. Why wouldn’t it be, right?

 The truth is though that the marketing here isn’t about Cameron or Profit With Cam. It is all about what other services do wrong. The thing is, it is very easy to criticise. But what is cleverly done here is criticism of things that are very real problems in the broader tipster industry.

I can’t tell you how many tipsters I look at that are claiming to find 5 selections a day, 7 days a week. It’s massively doubtful that they are genuine. And in direct contrast to this, Cameron talking about a more selective approach really makes Profit With Cam look good. But then there are also things that he tries to angle as problematic that anybody who understands betting can see isn’t necessarily that.

One of the most apparent examples to me is Cameron trying to say that anybody who advises selections the evening before racing doesn’t know what they’re doing. This is patently untrue. In fact, it is an approach to betting that I have seen work quite successfully for tipsters who look to leverage the additional value that exists in earlier pricing.

But of course, it’s much easier for Cameron to shoot down other tipsters to add an air of legitimacy to Profit With Cam than actually explain his approach, show his betting, and generally actually show this working in a tangible fashion. And none of that really comes as surprise to me, because this is a service where all isn’t necessarily what it seems to be at first glance.

A little digging into Profit With Cam and it is apparent that this comes from a vendor that is quite well known to me. For reasons that aren’t exactly positive. They have a long history of putting out tipster services that look good, but ultimately prove to be a little bit questionable. This explains a few things with, especially the way they don’t advertise the money back guarantee and how the subscription model works.

It probably won’t come as much of a surprise to learn that I wouldn’t really look to recommend Profit With Cam. The fact is that “Cameron” provides nothing of substance backing up his claims, and you are effectively left taking his word that this will deliver. In the meantime, you have a service that almost seems to be a pantomime of what somebody feels a genuine tipster service should look like. But that doesn’t mean that results will be delivered.   


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